Domestic abuse and family violence touches every part of our society and doesn’t discriminate on the basis of race, culture, gender, sexual orientation or income.
And the statistics are alarming:
- Alberta is the 3rd highest ranking province for domestic violence and abuse in Canada.
- In Canada, an est. 362,000 children witness and/or experience family violence annually.
- The highest rate of dating violence is reported amongst women ages 15-24.
- More than 1/3 of Canadians have suffered abuse by the time they reach the age of 16.
- Over 2/3 of Canadians have experienced some form of abuse in their lifetime.
But this doesn’t have to be our story. This doesn’t have to continue to be the world in which we live; in which our children grow up; in which we raise our families. We can change our story one child, one individual, one family, at a time.

If you know someone who has experienced or witnessed family abuse, reach out to us. We’d like to help – with safety planning, coping and healing. Email at or call us at 780.460.2195. If you or a loved one is in immediate danger, please call 911.
Statistical sources from 2016 or later: Battered Women’s Support Services & StatsCan.