Safety Planning

Whether or not you are ready to leave your abuser, there are things you can do to protect yourself. These safety tips can help make the difference.

A safety plan is a strategy that helps you to reduce the risks that you and your children face. Having a safety plan increases your chances of leaving without harm. There is no right or wrong way to do a safety plan. Make it unique to you. Review it often and make changes as you need to.

We can also help you develop a safety plan. Contact us today to book an appointment to build your safety plan, or you can ask a social worker, a family violence worker, or a police officer to work with you on this.

If you are in immediate danger, please call 911.

In a Crisis Situation

  • Call 911 & yell to alert your neighbours
  • Arrange for a friend or neighbour to call the police if they hear a disturbance in your home
  • Have a code word for your children, family, friends, or neighbours for when you need the police
  • Use your right to protect yourself until you are out of immediate danger

When Planning to Leave

  • Get your own bank account and/or credit card. Tell no one about the account and ensure the bank will not send you mailings or release account information to anyone but you. This is easily done and very common
  • Keep a prepaid cell phone charged and with preprogrammed numbers coded for those who can help when you may need it

When You Are On Your Own

  • Change the locks on your doors and secure your windows
  • Make sure your children have a safety plan for when you are not with them
  • Inform school or daycare about who has permission to pick up your children
  • Inform your neighbours/landlord that your partner no longer lives with you

On the Job/In Public

  • Decide who at work should know about your situation and supply them with a photo of your abuser, including security details if necessary
  • Screen your telephone calls
  • Make sure you can leave work safely
  • If you drive, park in a safe place
  • Ask someone to escort you to your means of transportation
  • Use a variety of routes home, if possible
  • Avoid always using the same grocery store, etc.

With a Restraining Order/EPO

  • Keep it with you at all times and give a copy to a family member, trusted friend, or neighbour
  • Call the police if your abuser violates the order
  • Tell family, friends, neighbours, and your physician that you have a restraining order
  • Have your friends, neighbours, or landlord contact the police if they see your abuser near your home, school, or place of work. Ask them to give the police a description or picture of your abuser and the make/model and license plate of their car

Cover Your Web Tracks

In Microsoft Internet Explorer

  • Click on “Tools” in the menu
  • Select “Internet Options”
  • Select the “General” tab
  • In “Temp Internet Files” click “Delete Files”
  • In the bottom section under “History” click “Clear History”

In Mozilla

  • Click on “Tools” in the menu
  • Select “Options”
  • Select “Privacy” in the left column
  • Under “History” click “Clear”
  • In “Cache” click “Clear”

Accessing our Services

We appreciate advance

We’re unable to accommodate drop-in clients. Please call or email to schedule an appointment.

We can offer
services to:

Residents of St Albert, Edmonton,  Sturgeon County, Parkland County and surrounding areas.

Hours of operation (Admin)

Monday – Friday 9am-3pm

Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and all Statutory Holidays